Zakat & IncomeTax

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Zakat & IncomeTax

The growth in the global economy has led more and more businesses to expand through overseas opportunities and trade. One of the key costs incurred through cross-border activities is tax; preparing a plan for your business to deal with its complexities and wide-ranging impact could make the difference to achieving your objectives.

We have specialists, who are supported by taxation advisors within our network of associated offices, in all major business centres worldwide. Our experts can help you structure your operations so as to minimize taxation on earnings and capital, both for business and individuals.

We can help you understand the local impact on your international business or personal wealth, guide your investment decisions and navigate the regulatory hurdles that stand in your path.

But compliance is just the beginning. PKF Al Bassam Chartered Accountants tax expert will undertake the sort of innovative tax planning that allows our clients to make significant tax savings, often at key stages in the development of their business or personal plans when forward thinking is critical.

PKF Al Bassam Chartered Accountants specialist tax executives are experienced at guiding clients through the maze of tax legislation.

Advising On Issues Such As

  • Restrictions and opportunities for investing abroad
  • International tax treaty analysis, locating the most beneficial sites for new trading operations or holding companies
  • Location of your business
  • Labour market
  • Taxation & business structure
  • Accounting and auditing requirements
  • Contacts
  • Political and social customs
  • We have the ability to add the international dimension to the general tax services we deliver