Internal Audit
& RiskManagment

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Internal Audit & RiskManagment

Risk is an unavoidable part of doing business. Companies that successfully manage their risks can create the greatest value for their stakeholders. These companies consistently achieve their strategic objectives by following a disciplined approach to assess business risks and maintain effective control systems. However, in today’s ever-changing world, executing on this approach is not easy. PKF Al Bassam Chartered Accountants Risk Services Group can help. Working with you to enhance and protect value and drive process improvement is our mission. Accordingly, we offer a range of flexible service options, which we tailor in collaboration with you. These services can be delivered in tandem with risk management solutions. This is likely to be the approach when the internal audit is going through rapid development.

We Offer

  • Full outsourcing of the internal audit Functions
  • Partnering (co-sourcing) with your own internal audit functions
  • Design of a new internal audit function
  • Support services
  • Staffing/ secondment
  • Quality Assurance Reviews of Internal audit

We also offer advisory services, including assessment and performance measurement of internal audit functions.

Risk Assurance Services

In today’s business environment protecting the assets, reputation, and future success are priorities for boards across all industry sectors. What is now known as “risk assurance” typically addresses corporate governance, risk or compliance Issues.

There is a danger that if risk assurance efforts remain disparate, you will be limited to responding to risks in a reactive way. We can support your organisation’s efforts to integrate risk assurance related activities by assessing:

  • Your view of your organisation’s risk profile
  • Our analysis of your organisation’s risk profile
  • Your organisation’s distinctive “wiring” and
  • It’s wider operating environment

By successfully balancing risk and control, organisations can significantly enhance the value delivered to stakeholders.

Our services are designed to establish or reinvigorate assurance efforts in the areas of Risk Management, Internal Audit and Information Systems.

Risk Managment Services

Client’s interest in risk issues is often driven by:

  • The stage of development of risk management within the business
  • The perception of key risk related issues
  • The extent to which specialist resources exist within business
  • The operating environment of the business

However, it is important that risk management strategies are deployed with a “light-touch”. Over-exuberance can severely impact business ability to perform effectively.

Currently our main services are clustered around:

  • Risk Management reviews
  • Risk strategy development
  • Risk Management blueprinting and implementation
  • Risk identification and assessment